Member missing from flock/herd register

Member missing from flock/herd register

Maintaining your member list

Both members and contacts are part of the same directory, however only non-resigned entries appear in the membership listing, and will connect with PremiumBreed.

Merging Members

To merge two members:

- Select the member you want to Delete
- From the member dropdown, select Merge Member
- Search for the correct member
- When found, press Merge Member next to the correct member

Merging when one member is a sub-contact

The only way to merge sub-contacts is to decouple them from their parent membership. To do this:

- Go into the main membership
- Click on Update Membership
- Click on the sub-contact
- Go to the Administration accordion
- Remove the id in the Parent field.

Once this is done, you should be able to follow the usual merge member process.

Resigning members

To change the membership status of an entry:

- Select the member record
- Go to Update Membership from the side menu
- Go to the Administration tab of the member record
- Under Date Resigned, click 'Resign'
- If joining, the link will still be under Date Resigned and will read: 'Make Member'

Changing a contact to a member

This works in the reverse of 'resigning a member'.

To change the membership status of an entry:

- Select the member record
- Go to Update Membership from the side menu
- Go to the Administration tab of the member record
- Under Date Resigned, click 'Make Member'


Multiple contacts can be grouped under a main contact.  To do this:

  • Find the ID of the main contact
  • Search for the sub-contact via the Member dropdown
  • Once selected, move to 'Update Membership'
  • Under administration, set the Linked id to be the ID of the main contact.

Please note, once this is complete, the contacts are grouped and will no longer show up individually in searches.

Alternately, to disconnect sub contacts, simply follow these steps:

  1. Find the main contact, and select 'Update Membership'
  2. Underneath the main table, you can select a link to 'Edit' the sub-contact
  3. Select 'Update Membership' under this new sub-contact
  4. Clear out the parent ID underneath the Administration tab