Online Pedigree Certificates

Pedigree Certificate Example

6 Reasons to build your pedigrees online

  1. Store your pedigrees in a specially designed online database, with thousands of other users.
  2. Build a professional certificate that is is uniquely your brand and targeted for your buyers.
  3. Access your pedigrees from computer, phone or tablet. Always have your records, either at home or in the yard.
  4. Connect in with pedigree records from other breeders and associations; add richer histories to your animals.
  5. Search records quickly and easily! Prepare your breeding plan and track progeny with a few simple clicks.
  6. New feature development is community driven. Have a great idea for a new certificate feature? Tell us!


Create a new pedigree record for an animal you have bred, or transfer information in for a new purchase


Save records and certificates to PDF, or download a pedigree export.


Order printed copies of your certificates on professional stationery


Connect a pedigree once, and use it again and again. No need to re-enter every certificate

Designs for every animal

Hand drawn animals

Choose what data to showcase for each pedigree ceritificate

Show information and statistics from your own custom fields

Additional features for Breed Societies

Member driven certificates

Members can request certificates, and provide information for certificate updates through PremiumBreed, then pay online!

Full pedigree certificate history

Track changes to certificates over time, and keep historical versions them as long as you need.

Automatic pedigree certificate emails

Have PremiumBreed automatically send new pedigree certificates to members once information has been updated and verified.

Member generated certificates

Optionally allow members to generate and download their own certificates, complete with photos, based off their online records.

Custom logic available

Co-ordinate with our support team to customise your database and put automatic validations in place for pedigrees based off your rules.

Automatically expire certificates

Set expiry dates ahead of time, and automatically contact members via email to provide updated information.

Share Pedigree Certificates by facebook and email

Get professionally printed certificates sent to you and your customers

Build your first PremiumBreed pedigree

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